Setting up your Calendar

Automated reminders for Twitter Spaces, IRL events, and more in your own Web3 calendar

fam. Calendar: Automated event reminders

Think of the fam. Calendar as your Web3 event manager. Keep your team and community members with upcoming Twitter Spaces, side event, or exclusive parties 🎉

Creating a calendar event

  1. Click into your fam. page. Once you're in, click on the Calendar section. It looks something like this:

  1. Click "Create new event" and select how you'd like to import/add your event.

Side note: For Twitter Spaces and Eventbrite, you can simply copy the url and paste it as an existing event link. This will automatically pull and fill in the event details for you.

  1. Confirm the details and click "submit"

How to auto-sync events to Discord

  1. Visit your fam. settings in the top right corner (just click on your PFP)

  2. In your settings, visit the 'bots' section where you'll be able to manage your bots across Discord, Twitter, Telegram, and Youtube.

  1. Toggle on "Import Discord event to calendar" and "Send post upon new event creation" to activate automated event reminders in a dedicated Discord channel.

Enabling this feature will make it easier for you to keep your community informed about upcoming IRL and online events.

Last updated